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Química 103
Tony’s Help Sheets – Chemistry 103
*** ¿Usando estos folletos Chem 103? ***
*** ¡Gracias por adelantado! ***
Los instructores pueden presentar el contenido de manera diferente que en estos recursos;
si eso ocurre, siga siempre el contenido preferido de su instructor.
Estos materiales están organizados en unidades basadas en el calendario de otoño/primavera de Chem 103. El horario de verano es diferente. Use los materiales apropiados para su horario de verano Chem 103. |
Intro to Chemistry Concepts – Module 1 | ||
Help Sheet #1 Intro Terms, SI units, Unit Conversions, Sig Figs, Density, Periodic Table |
Flashcards #1 SI Units Print 2-sided for proper alignment |
Practice Sheet #1 SI Units Conversions with SI Units |
Flashcards #2 Element Names and Symbols First 36 elements plus a few other common ones; print 2-sided for proper alignment |
Practice Sheet #2 Element Names and Symbols |
Atoms, Molecules, and Ions – Module 2 | ||
Help Sheet #2 Atomic Structure Atomic Structure, Isotopes, Average Atomic Mass, Mass Spectroscopy, Ionic versus Molecular compounds, Naming/Writing Formulas, Polyatomic Ions, Coulomb’s Law |
Flashcards #3 Polyatomic Ions Formulas/Names Print 2-sided from Adobe Reader for proper alignment |
Practice Sheet #3 Monoatomic and Polyatomic Ions |
Practice Sheet #4 Naming Compounds, Writing Formulas |
Chemical Reactions – Module 3 | ||
Help Sheet #3 Reactions Balancing Rxns, Types of Rxns, Writing Rxns (molecular, complete ionic, net ionic rxns); Electrolytes; Solubility Rules; Redox: Assigning oxidation numbers; What’s oxidized, reduced, oxidizing agent, reducing agent; Metal activity series |
Flashcards #4 Acids and Bases/Names Print 2-sided from Adobe Reader for proper alignment |
Stoichiometry – Module 4 | ||
Help Sheet #4 Stoichiometry (Part I) Mole calculations, Molar mass, Converting between moles/grams/molecules, Mass percent, Empirical and Molecular formulas, Finding unknown metal M |
Help Sheet #5 Stoichiometry (Part II) Reactions and mol calculations, Limiting reagents, Percent yield, Empirical formulas from combustion |
Help Sheet #6 Stoichiometry (Part III) Molarity calculations, Dilution, Solution stoichiometry (titrations); Intro to energy Note: Solution stoichiometry (molarity) is sometimes not included on Exam 1. |
Sets of practice problems to help with exam preparation Module 1 – Practice Problems: Intro to Chem Concepts Module 2 – Practice Problems: Atoms, molecules, and ions Module 3 – Practice Problems: Reactions Module 4 – Practice Problems: Stoichiometry and Energy Note: Solution stoichiometry (molarity; HelpSheet #6) is sometimes NOT included on Exam 1. |
Gases – Module 5 | ||
Help Sheet #7 Gases (Part I) Gas Laws, D and molar mass, STP, Stoichiometry with gases |
Help Sheet #8 Gases (Part II) Partial Pressure, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Root Mean Square Velocity, Diffusion and Effusion |
Thermochemistry – Module 6 | ||
Help Sheet #9 Thermochemistry (Part I) Terms; Work; Sign Conventions; Specific Heat Capacity; q = CmΔT; Heat Transfer; Enthalpy of a rxn, ΔHrxn° |
Help Sheet #10 Thermochemistry (Part II) Calorimetry; Phase Changes (ΔHvap°, ΔHfus°) and heating curves; Phase Change + Heat transfer; Hess’s Law; Heat of Formation (ΔHf°) |
Sets of practice problems to help with exam preparation Module 5 – Practice Problems: Gases Module 6 – Practice Problems: Thermochemistry Note: The beginning of Light, Matter, Atomic Structure (HelpSheet #11; Module 7 – Practice Problems) is sometimes included on Exam 2. |
Light, Matter, and Atomic Structure – Module 7 | ||
Help Sheet #11 Light, Matter, Atomic Structure Light equations; Electromagnetic spectrum; Photoelectric effect; Quantized system and Bohr Model; Energy Level Diagram; Electron Transitions; Duality principle; de Broglie Wavelength Note: The beginning of Light, Matter, Atomic Structure is sometimes included on Exam 2. |
Help Sheet #12 Light, Matter, Atomic Structure (Part II) Quantum: Wavefunctions; Nodes; Quantum Numbers; Orbitals Shapes; Electron Configurations: Shorthand notation; Orbital Box Diagram; Charged Transition Elements; Number of unpaired electrons |
Help Sheet #13 Light, Matter, Atomic Structure (Part III) Periodic Table Trends: Effective Nuclear Charge; Shielding; Atomic Radii, Ionization Energy, Electron Affinity; Ionic Radii |
Chemical Bonding – Module 8 | ||
Help Sheet #14 Chemical Bonding Types of bonds; Electronegativity; Bond polarity; Lewis dot structures; Resonance; Bond order; Formal charge; Bond enthalpies |
Molecular Geometry – Module 9 | ||
Help Sheet #15 Molecular Geometry (Part I) Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR); Molecular Polarity |
Help Sheet #16 Molecular Geometry (Part II) Valence Bond Theory: Hybrid Orbitals, σ and π Bonds; Geometric isomers cis/trans |
Help Sheet #17 Molecular Geometry (Part III) Molecular Orbital (MO) Theory: MO Shapes; Bond order; MO e– Configuration; Molecular stability Sometimes MO theory is skipped; skip this HelpSheet if this topic was not covered in your lecture section. |
Sets of practice problems to help with exam preparation Module 7 – Practice Problems: Light, Matter, and Atomic Structure Module 8 – Practice Problems: Chemical Bonding Module 9 – Practice Problems: Molecular Geometry Note: The beginning of Light, Matter, Atomic Structure is sometimes included on Exam 2. |
Intermolecular Forces – Module 10 | ||
Help Sheet #18 Intermolecular Forces Liquids: Intermolecular forces; Liquid properties; Vapor pressure diagram |
Phase Diagrams and Solids – Module 11 | ||
Help Sheet #19 Phase Diagrams and Solids (Part I) Phase diagrams; Heating Curves; Clausius-Clapeyron equation |
Help Sheet #20 Phase Diagrams and Solids (Part II) Types of solids; Unit cells; Packing; Determining Empirical formulas; Coordination number; Ionic compounds; Packing efficiency; Density |
WORKSHEETS to help you prepare for the Final Exam | ||
Worksheets for Exam 1 Besides these Worksheets it’s important to work through instructor-provided exam resources, and review the exams and quizzes from this semester |
Worksheet #1 Intro to Chemistry Concepts SI units; D; Terms; Periodic Table; Atomic Structure; Isotopes |
Worksheet #2 Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Average Atomic Mass; Mass Spectroscopy; Ionic versus Molecular compounds; Polyatomic ions; Coulomb’s Law; Naming/Writing Formulas |
Worksheet #3 Chemical Reactions Acids/Bases; Electrolytes; Types of Reactions; Solubility Rules; Writing Reactions (molecular, complete ion, net ionic); Assign oxidation numbers; Oxidized, Reduced, Oxidizing agents, Reducing agents; ID Redox reactions |
Worksheets for Exam 2 Besides these Worksheets it’s important to work through instructor-provided exam resources, and review the exams and quizzes from this semester |
Worksheet #4 Stoichiometry (Part I) Mole calculations; Mass Percent; Empirical/Molecular Formulas from Mass%; Mass spectroscopy re-visited; Finding M |
Worksheet #5 Stoichiometry (Part II) Stoichiometry; Limiting Reagents; %Yield; Empirical Formulas from gCO2 and gH2O |
Worksheet #6 Stoichiometry (Part III) Molarity; Dilution; Solution Stoichiometry |
Worksheet #7 Gases (Part I) Gas Laws; Stoichiometry |
Worksheet #8 Gases (Part II) Partial Pressure; Kinetic Molecular Theory; Velocity |
Worksheets for Exam 3 Besides these Worksheets it’s important to work through instructor-provided exam resources, and review the exams and quizzes from this semester |
Worksheet #9 Thermochemistry (Part I) Terms; Work; Sign Conventions; Heat Capacity (q = CmΔT); Heat Transfer; Reaction of a enthalpy, ΔHrxn° |
Worksheet #10 Thermochemistry (Part II) Calorimetry; Phase changes and heating curves; Hess’s Law; ΔHf° |
Worksheet #11 Light, Matter, Electronic Structure (Part I) Light equations; Photoelectric Effect; Bohr Model; Electron Equations/Transitions; Duality Principle; de Broglie Wavelength |
Worksheets for Exam 4 Besides these Worksheets it’s important to work through instructor-provided exam resources, and review the exams and quizzes from this semester |
Worksheet #12 Light, Matter, Electronic Structure (Part II) Wavefunction; Quantum Numbers; Nodes; Orbitals; Electron Configurations |
Worksheet #13 Light, Matter, Electronic Structure (Part III) Effective Nuclear Charge; Periodic Table Trends: Atomic Radii; Ionization Energy; Electron Affinity; Ionic Radii |
Worksheet #14 Chemical Bonding Forming a Bond; Electronegativity; Types of Bonds; Bond Polarity; Lewis Dot Structures; Formal Charge; Resonance; Bond Order; Bond Enthalpy |
Worksheet #15 Molecular Geometry (Part I) VSEPR; 3D Images; Molecular Polarity; Geometric Isomers |
Worksheet #16 Molecular Geometry (Part II) Valence Bond Theory (hybrid orbitals); σ and π bonds; Orbitals That Make a Bond |
Worksheet #17 Molecular Geometry (Part III) Molecular Orbital (MO) Theory: MO Shapes; Bond Order; MO e– Configuration; Molecular Stability |
Worksheets for Post-Exam 4 Besides these Worksheets it’s important to work through instructor-provided exam resources, and review the exams and quizzes from this semester |
Worksheet #18 Intermolecular Forces Intermolecular Forces; Liquid Properties; Miscibility of Liquids |
Worksheet #19 Phase Diagrams and Solids (Part I) Phase diagrams and heating curves; Clausius-Clapeyron equations |
Worksheet #20 Phase Diagrams and Solids (Part II) Types of Solids/Properties; Unit Cells; Coordination Number; Counting Atoms/Empirical Formulas; Packing Efficiency; Density |
*** ¿Usando estos folletos Chem 103? *** TUS COMENTARIOS SERÍA MUY APRECIADOS! *** ¡Gracias por adelantado! *** |
No se publicarán más materiales. Buena suerte en sus finales! ¡Que tengas un gran descanso! | ||
Química 104
Tony’s Help Sheets – Chemistry 104
*** ¿Usando estos folletos Chem 104? ***
*** ¡Gracias por adelantado! ***
Los instructores pueden presentar el contenido de manera diferente que en estos recursos;
si eso ocurre, siga siempre el contenido preferido de su instructor.
Estos materiales están organizados en unidades basadas en el calendario de otoño/primavera de Chem 104. El horario de verano es diferente. Use los materiales apropiados para su horario de verano Chem 104. |
Organic Chemistry – Module 12 | ||
Help Sheet #1 Chem 103 Review Electronegativity, Lewis Dot Structures, Bond Polarity, VSEPR, Hybridization, Hybrid Orbitals used in a Bond, Intermolecular Forces, Higher Boiling Point, Solubility |
Help Sheet #2 Organic (Part I) Drawing and Naming Molecules, Functional Groups (Part I) |
Practice Sheet #1 ID Functional Groups; Naming Molecules Organic: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, cyclic, aromatic |
Help Sheet #3 Organic (Part II) Isomers: Constitutional (also called structural); Stereoisomers: Geometric, Optical |
Practice Sheet #2 Isomers |
Help Sheet #4 Organic (Part III) Functional Groups (Part II); drawing and naming |
Practice Sheet #3 ID Functional Groups; Naming Molecules Organic: alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amides, amines |
Flashcards #1 – ID Functional Groups Identifying Functional Groups Print 2-sided with Adobe Reader for proper alignment |
Help Sheet #5 Organic (Part IV) Reactions: Ester and amide formation, ester and amide hydrolysis; Complete hydrolysis |
Practice Sheet #4 Organic Reactions: Ester/amide condensation, ester/amide hydrolysis |
Chemical Kinetics – Module 13 | ||
Help Sheet #6 Kinetics (Part I) Average Rates; Initial Rates; Relative Rates; Rate Constant with Units; Evaluating a Rate Law: Initial Rates Method, Description |
Help Sheet #7 Kinetics (Part II) Evaluating a Rate Law: Integrated Rate Laws; Half Life and Half life graphs; Rate versus Concentration |
Help Sheet #8 Kinetics (Part III) Evaluating a Rate Law: Mechanisms; Reaction Coordinate Diagrams; Arrhenius Equation and Graphs |
Sets of practice problems to help with exam preparation Module 12 – Practice Problems: Organic Module 13 – Practice Problems: Kinetics |
Equilibrium – Module 14 | ||
Help Sheet #9 Equilibrium (Part I) K Expression; Size of K; Kc versus Kp; Le Chatelier’s Principle; How K Changes as Reaction is Changed |
Help Sheet #10 Equilibrium (Part II) Equilibrium Calculations; Reaction Quotient: Q; Phase Diagrams |
Acids and Bases – Module 15 | ||
Help Sheet #11 Acids and Bases (Part I) Definitions; Conjugate A/B; Amphiprotic; Ka, Kb; Strength of A/B and Their Conjugates; Which Way does an A/B Rxn Proceed; Acidity versus Structure |
Help Sheet #12 Acids and Bases (Part II) Autoionization; pH Equations; pH Calculations for SA, SB, WA, and WB; %Ionization; Ka, Kb, pKa, pKb; Which Way does an A/B Rxn Proceed (re-visited); Polyprotic Acids; Lewis acids/bases; Spectator Ions; Salts |
Sets of practice problems to help with exam preparation Module 14 – Practice Problems: Equilibrium Module 15 – Practice Problems: Acids and Bases Note: Buffers (HelpSheet #13; Module 16 – Practice Problems: Buffers) or some parts of buffers is sometimes included on Exam 2. |
Aqueous Equilibria – Module 16 | ||
Help Sheet #13 Aqueous Equilibria (Part I): Buffers ID Buffers; pH of a Buffer; Find pH of Buffer After Adding SA/SB; Buffer Range; Buffer Capacity; Buffer Preparation Note: Buffers or some parts of buffers is sometimes included on Exam 2. |
Help Sheet #14 Aqueous Equilibria (Part II): Titrations Titration Curves: Strong Acid+Strong Base, Strong Acid+Weak Base, Weak Acid+Strong Base; Equivalence Point; Halfway to Equivalence Point; Indicators; pH Calculations of Titrations; Polyprotic Acid Titrations |
Help Sheet #15 Aqueous Equilibria (Part III): Solubility Find Ksp from Solubility; Find Solubility from Ksp; Which Solid is More Soluble?; Common Ion Effect; pH and Solubility; Does a Ppt Form? |
Thermodynamics – Module 17 | ||
Help Sheet #16 Thermodynamics (Part I) Spontaneity; Entropy, ΔS°; Pascal’s Triangle; Comparing Entropy Qualitatively; ΔSuniv°; T of a phase change; Enthalpy, ΔH° (review); Laws of Thermodynamics |
Help Sheet #17 Thermodynamics (Part II) Free Energy, ΔG°; Deriving ΔG°; ΔGf°; Signs of ΔH°, ΔS°, and ΔG°: Reaction spontaneity; T at which a reaction is spontaneous; Free Energy ΔG under non-standard conditions; G vs Extent of Reaction; Van’t Hoff equation and graph; Thermodynamics versus Kinetics |
Sets of practice problems to help with exam preparation Module 16 – Practice Problems: Aqueous Equilibria: Buffers, Titrations, Solubility (Ksp) Module 17 – Practice Problems: Thermodynamics Note: Buffers or some parts of buffers is sometimes included on Exam 2. |
Electrochemistry – Module 18 | ||
Help Sheet #18 Electrochemistry (Part I) Assign Oxidation Numbers; Oxidized, reduced, oxidizing/reducing agents; Balance Redox Reations; Draw Electrochemical Cells and label parts; Inert Electrodes; Line Notation; Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE); How E° Changes as Reaction Changes; Standard Reduction Table |
Help Sheet #19 Electrochemistry (Part II) Stronger Oxidizing/Reducing Agents; K, ΔG°, and E°; Nernst Equation; Concentration Cells; Electroylsis; Molten Systems; Types of Batteries; BAN APE |
WORKSHEETS to help you prepare for the Final Exam | ||
Worksheets for Exam 1 Besides these Worksheets it’s important to work through instructor-provided final exam resources, and review the exams and quizzes from this semester |
Worksheet #1 Review & Organic (Part I) Chem 103 Review; Organic: Functional Groups and Properties; Drawing Structures; Naming |
Worksheet #2 Organic (Part II) Organic: Isomers |
Worksheet #3 Organic (Part III) Reactions: Ester Condensation and Hydrolysis, Amide Condensation and Hydrolysis; Complete Hydrolysis; Biodiesel |
Worksheet #4 Kinetics (Part I) Factors Affecting Rate; Rate; Avg/Initial Rate; Relative Rates; Rate Law; Units of k; Determining the Rate Law: Initial Rates Method, Description |
Worksheet #5 Kinetics (Part II) Integrate Rate Law equations; Determining the Rate Law: Integrate Rate Law Graphs, Half-life vs Concentration Graphs, Rates vs Concentration Graphs |
Worksheet #6 Kinetics (Part III) Determining the Rate Law: Mechanisms; Reaction Coordinate Diagrams; Arrhenius Equations and Plot |
Worksheets for Exam 2 Besides these Worksheets it’s important to work through instructor-provided final exam resources, and review the exams and quizzes from this semester |
Worksheet #7 Equilibrium (Part I) Equilibrium Expression; Size of K; Le Chatelier’s Principle; Factors Affecting Equilibrium |
Worksheet #8 Equilibrium (Part II) How K Changes as Rxn Changes; K Calculations; Q |
Worksheet #9 Acids and Bases (Part I) Identifying Acids/Bases; Strong/Weak Acids/Bases; Conjugate Acids/Bases; Water Autoionization; Amphiprotic; pH Calculations; Ka, Kb, %Ionization; Stronger Acid Weaker Conjugate Base |
Worksheet #10 Acids and Bases (Part II) Ka, Kb, pKa, pKb; Which Side of Rxn Favored; Acid Strength vs Structure; Spectator ions; Polyprotic Acids; Salts; Lewis acids/bases |
Worksheet #11 Aqueous Equilibria (Part I): Buffers ID Buffer; Buffer pH; Add SA/SB to Buffer and Find New pH; Buffer Range/Choosing a Buffer; Buffer Preparation |
Worksheets for Exam 3 Besides these Worksheets it’s important to work through instructor-provided final exam resources, and review the exams and quizzes from this semester |
Worksheet #12 Aqueous Equilibria (Part II): Titrations Titration Curves; Equivalence and Halfway to Equivalence Pt; Indicators; Calculating pH During a Titration |
Worksheet #13 Aqueous Equilibria (Part III): Solubility Find Solubility given Ksp; Find Ksp given Solubility; Which Solid is More Soluble; Does a Precipitate Form; pH versus Solubility; Common Ion Effect; Factors Affecting Solubility |
Worksheet #14 Thermodynamics (Part I) Laws of Thermodynamics; Entropy; Pascal’s Triangle; Comparing Entropy Qualitatively; ΔS°univ; T of a phase change; Enthalpy; Spontaneity; ΔG°; Sign Conventions: ΔH°, ΔS°, ΔG° |
Worksheet #15 Thermodynamics (Part II) ΔG and ΔG°; K from ΔG°; Signs of ΔH°, ΔS°, ΔG° and Spontaneity; T when Reaction is Spontaneous; Manipulating ΔH°, ΔS°, ΔG°; Van’t Hoff Equation/Plot; G versus Extent of Reaction Graph |
Worksheets for Post-Exam 3 Besides these Worksheets it’s important to work through instructor-provided final exam resources, and review the exams and quizzes from this semester |
Worksheet #16 Electrochemistry (Part I) Assign Oxidation Numbers; Oxidized, reduced, oxidizing agent, reducing agent; Balance Redox Reactions; Electrochemical Cells; How E changes; Inert Electrodes; Line Notation; SHE |
Worksheet #17 Electrochemistry (Part II) Stronger Oxidizing/Reducing Agents; Nernst Equation; ΔG°, E°, and K; Spontaneous Reactions |
Worksheet #18 Electrochemistry (Part III) Concentration Cell; Electrolysis; Molten Systems; Batteries |
*** ¿Usando estos folletos Chem 104? *** TUS COMENTARIOS SERÍA MUY APRECIADOS! *** ¡Gracias por adelantado! *** |
No se publicarán más materiales. Buena suerte en sus finales! ¡Que tengas un gran descanso! | ||