CLC Resources (including Tony’s Helpsheets) have been moved to “Chem Compass” – a Canvas course with these and additional resources to help you before and during Chem 103, 104, 343, and 345. (These resources will also be helpful to students in any 100 or 300 level course). You can self-enroll by clicking:CLC Chem Compass
DISCLAIMER: These handouts provide a “general” outline of the material with practice problems and answers. The instructor may present the material differently, so not all of the material in the handouts maybe covered by each instructor, and some instructors may cover material not on the handouts. In addition, instructors may present the content differently; if that occurs, always follow your instructor’s preferred content. Please review your lecture notes, slides, and online text, and compare them to the handouts to note appropriate topics to work through.
If you find an error or have a comment on the handouts feel free to reach out to Please direct your chemistry questions to Piazza or your TA.