Do you have questions concerning your general chemistry class? Remember, many issues can be resolved by talking with your TA/UA, Instructor, Chemistry Help Desk, Piazza, someone at the Chemistry Learning Center, or someone in the Chemistry Department. Below are some typical questions and some advice to consider.

Is there a question that isn’t listed that you think ought to be listed? Email clc@chem.wisc.edu with your ideas!

Finally, you might also want to visit our page “How to Excel in Chemistry” written by Prof. Cathy Middlecamp for the American Chemical Society Scholars Program.

“I don’t know what to study in my general chemistry course?”

As a general rule, the lectures and pre-class activities are a good guide to the important topics. Quizzes, discussion activity problems, practice problems, and old exams provided by your Instructor are other good resources. Old or practice exams provide examples of exam format, the question style and wording, and the level of difficulty. Remember that old exams reflect what was important in a prior semester and not necessarily for the current semester. In addition, most old or practice exams often test only some of the main concepts because there are usually more concepts than can be tested on any one exam.

“What should I do if I have a scheduling conflict with the next exam?”

Contact your Instructor. Sometimes an alternative time to take the exam is offered. Generally, you should try to contact your Instructor at least a week before an exam when there is a scheduling conflict.

“Who should I see if I don’t agree with the grading of my exam?”

If it is a numerical error (i.e., the points on the exam were not totaled correctly), usually (though not always) your TA/UA can correct that specific problem. If there is a disagreement about how a problem was graded, your instructor usually provides a mechanism to resolve this. If you’re unsure about what you’re supposed to do, check with your TA/UA or instructor.

“What should I do if I failed my first general chemistry exam?”

Talk with your TA/UA and Instructor, and feel free to apply to the Chemistry Learning Center in courses the program supports. Also, consider some of these other issues:

  • How were you studying for the exam? Many students find that working through lots of practice problems Two students working together(not just those assigned or those found on one practice exam) prepares them for exams. Often, re-reading chapters, “looking over” notes, and “looking over” practice exams doesn’t prepare you adequately. The practice problems can come from practice exams provided by your Instructor, discussion activity problems, quizzes, and the Chemistry Learning Center Resources.
  • How much time per week do you spend on general chemistry? Many students need to spend about 20 hours/week in their general chemistry class.
  • How are your math skills? Successful completion of the algebra component of the UW Math Placement Exam, completion of Math 112, Math 114, or Math 171, appropriate math transfer credits, or AP math exam success, each can satisfy the math prerequisite for Chemistry 103. Typically, general chemistry requires a high comfort level with algebra.
  • Are you studying by yourself? Working with other students not only makes your chemistry experience more enjoyable, you often learn more by thinking about questions you wouldn’t have thought of by yourself.

“What should I do if I’ve been sick and missed class?”

First, take care of yourself; that’s the most important thing. If you miss a quiz or lab, talk with your TA/UA, or if you know in advance that you will not be able to complete a quiz or lab email them in advance. If you miss an exam, talk with the Instructor as soon as possible, and again letting them know in advance if you know you will not be able to take the exam is always better. As appropriate, touch base with your Instructor about the health difficulties you’re having.

“How do I determine my chemistry grade?”

You can add up your points from labs, quizzes, exams, homework, pre-class activities, etc. and use the syllabus to determine your grade if the course grades are not curved. If the course grades are curved, you’ll probably want to discuss your grade with your Instructor or maybe your TA/UA.

Two students at a table

“What should I do to get in or transfer to a different discussion, lab, or lecture section?”

Some schedule changes can be performed online in the Student Center; for Spring 2022 this can be done without Department permission through Friday, February 4. If you have questions or if the section is full, email the Undergraduate Chemistry Office at undergrad@chem.wisc.edu for friendly advice or suggestions.

“What if I think I’m in the wrong chemistry course (e.g., I should be enrolled in Chem 103 instead of Chem 109)?”

Check with the Chemistry Advisor by visiting the Undergraduate Chemistry Advisor page. They can advise you on the best chemistry course for your academic background.

“What should I do if I’m having problems with my TA/UA/LA or Instructor?”

It really depends on what the problem is. If you have concerns about your TA/UA/LA, you could talk with your TA/UA/LA if you’re comfortable doing that. Otherwise, talking with the course Instructor would be another option. You can also reach out to Dr. Jeanne Hamers, Undergraduate Chemistry Director, at jhamers@wisc.edu or call the Undergraduate Chemistry Office (608-263-2424). A trusted mentor or advisor, or the Dean of Students Office (608-263-5700; TDD: 608-263-2400) are other people you could touch base with if you need a sounding board.