UW Map with the Medical Sciences Center highlighted

Hours and Location


Fall and spring semesters: ~8:30am to ~4:30pm M-F
Summer semester: Closed for student support.
Breaks: Closed (we may be in during breaks so please knock if the door is locked)


We are in room 4330 Medical Sciences Center located at the corner of University Avenue and Charter Street (4th floor). To see the location of the Medical Sciences Center on the UW Campus map click map.

Here is a schematic map of the Medical Sciences Center and where the CLC is located in the building. There are many entrances into the Medical Sciences Center.

A schematic diagram showing the Medical Sciences Center and the recommended entrance to use for the CLC using the doors nearest Linden Drive

Here are some directions if you enter the Medical Sciences Center from the Linden Street entrance (through Parking Lot 21) or from the University Avenue entrance:
1. Entering from University Avenue (wheelchair accessible):

    • Enter the building through the main doors on University Avenue.


    • Travel about 35 steps down the corridor and turn right when the corridor ends.


    • Travel about 15 steps to the elevator.


    • Take the elevator up to the 4th floor.


    • Come out of the elevator and turn left.


    • Travel 5 steps and turn left again down another corridor.


    Travel about 15 steps and the CLC (room 4330) will be on your left.

2. Entering from Linden Drive (wheelchair accessible):

    • Travel down Linden Drive from Charter Street until you get to Parking Lot 21.

Travel through Parking Lot 21

    • until you get to the three glass doors on the building.


    • Enter and travel about 10 steps to the elevators.


    • Take the elevator up to the 4th floor.


    • Come out of the elevator and turn left.


    • Travel 5 steps and turn left again down the corridor.


    • Travel about 35 steps down the corridor and the CLC (room 4330) will be on your right.


All staff members have mailboxes in the Shain Tower of the Chemistry Building on the corner of Charter and Johnson Streets. The mailboxes are on the first floor in the “Staff” section.

Mailing Address

1101 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706