Agnes Lee
Position title: Instructor
Phone: 608-265-5497
Office: 4330 Medical Sciences Center
Mailing Address: 1101 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706
Mailbox: Chemistry Department near the Shane Tower entrance (Charter & Johnson Streets)

A transplant from New York City, I came to Madison for grad school and eventually established my roots, obtaining a Ph.D. in chemistry and raising 2 kids. I have worked and taught in a number of places: UW-Whitewater, Edgewood College, OSHA, Madison Crime Laboratory, Forest Products Laboratory, and the Journal of Chemical Education. But I must say that teaching has been most rewarding because of the students. In my spare time, I enjoy running, hiking, spicy food (I think that’s a hobby, right?), reading, and volunteer travel. My trips have taken me to a Blackfeet Indian reservationin Montana, construction of an adobe house in Taos, New Mexico, and building ICF (insulated concrete form) houses in Grey-Bruce, Canada. It is when we step outside of our boxes that we learn more about ourselves and the amazing good we are able to accomplish. Learning elevates, but learning while helping others takes us beyond.