Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month!

A Proclamation on National Hispanic Heritage Month

“During National Hispanic Heritage Month, we recognize that Hispanic heritage is American heritage. We see it in every aspect of our national life: on our television and movie screens, in the music that moves our feet, and in the foods we enjoy. We benefit from the many contributions of Hispanic scientists working in labs across the country to help us fight COVID-19 and the doctors and the nurses on the front lines caring for people’s health.

Image: by David Valdez, Hispanic Heritage Select Photos
Hispanic Heritage Month wall mural

Our Nation is represented by Hispanic diplomats who share our values in countries all over the world and strengthened by military members and their families who serve and sacrifice for the United States. Our communities are represented by Hispanic elected officials, and our children are taught by Hispanic teachers. Our future will be shaped by Hispanic engineers who are working to develop new technology that will help us grasp our clean energy future and by the skilled union workers who are going to build it.

National Hispanic Heritage Month is an important reminder of how much strength we draw as a Nation from our immigrant roots and our values as a Nation of immigrants.”
— Joseph R. Biden, Jr (September 14, 2021)

Learn More!

Top 8 Reasons Why and How We Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
by Emily Key, Education Programs Manager, and Adrián Aldaba, Associate to the Director and Programs, Smithsonian Latino Center

American Latino Heritage by the National Parks Service

Hispanic Heritage Month – Now This Family Celebrate (YouTube; 4:29)

DC Latino Street Murals: A Virtual Tour

PBS Hispanic Heritage Month
“Premiering in 2013, The Latino Americans was the first major documentary series for television to chronicle the rich and varied history and experiences of Latinos, who have helped shape North America over the last 500-plus years and have become, with more than 50 million people, the largest minority group in the U.S.”

American Latino Heritage Theme Study by the National Parks Service
“American Latinos and the Making of the United States: A Theme Study is a publication of the National Park System Advisory Board (NPSAB) for the National Park Service (NPS).”